Guest Information

Where are you located?

CUCC is located at 200 South Third Street, Dupo, Illinois 62239. Our phone number is (618) 286-4211. For a map and detailed directions to our church, visit our Map page.

When are services held?

Worship services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:10 a.m.

Where do I park?

Parking is available either in our parking lot located on the corner of Sophia and Fourth Streets or along the street.

Do you have handicap parking?

Yes. Handicap parking and the elevator are located at the rear of the church. You can access the handicap parking area by turning into the alleyway off Sophia between the church and the general parking lot.

What do I wear?

You are encouraged to wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable. Some people dress up, others dress down. You will see people in suits and dresses, jeans and shorts.

Does CUCC have Sunday School classes?

Yes! Sunday School classes are available for ages 3 and up. Classes are held from 9:50 a.m. – 10:10 a.m. and run from September through May.

What about a nursery?

A nursery attendant is available during worship services for children up to age 5.

What can I expect as a guest at worship?

When you arrive at the church, a greeter will be there to welcome you. As you enter the sanctuary, ushers will be available to hand out bulletins and answer any questions you might have. When you enter the sanctuary, sit wherever you would like as there are no assigned seats at CUCC. The bulletin lists the order of things in the worship service and should be easy to follow. There are stars in the margin indicating when to stand, if you are able. Don’t worry if you sit too soon or stand too long, even those of us who have been attending for years sometimes do that too.

What if I visit on a day you are celebrating communion?

If you are visiting us on that day, please join in celebrating communion with us. At CUCC, everyone is welcome to take part in communion. We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month and on special holy days. On communion Sunday, worshipers stay seated in the pews and the elements are passed down each aisle by the ushers. First the bread is served. When all in the congregation have received the bread, we all eat the bread at the same time. Then the cup is served (wine in the outer rings, grape juice in the inner ring). When everyone in the congregation has received the cup, we all drink at the same time. There are small cup holders on the back of the pews to place the cup when you've finished.

Do you have fellowship time?

Before the service on the first and third Sunday of each month we have a fellowship time. Please join us for donuts and coffee.

Where are the restrooms?

Restrooms are located on the upper level across from the sanctuary and on the lower level near the nursery.

Do you have other questions?

If so, please call the CUCC office Tuesday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at (618) 286-4211. We hope to see you Sunday!